Computer Graphics is a branch of Computer Science that deals with graph, image and pictures. The computer is an information processing machine and it is a tool for storing, manipulating and co-relating data. There are many ways to communicate the processed information to the user. The computer graphics is one of the most effective and commonly used way to communicate the processed information to the user. It displays the information in the form of graphics objects such as pictures, charts, graphs and diagrams instead of simple text. Thus we can say that computer graphics makes it is possible to express data in pictorial form. The picture or graphic object may be an engineering drawing, Business graph, architectural structures, a single frame from an animated movie, or a machine parts.
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Early man used drawings to communicate even before he learnt to talk, write, or count. Incidentally, these ancient hieroglyphics (picture-writings) communicate as well today, as they must have done thousands of years ago, this fully supports the saig that A picture is worth a thousand words ad i the ea of oputes e a add o to it o e a as ell eise the saig to A computer is worth a million pictures!”; so, you can estimate the power of a computer as a communication system. Now, with the advances in computer hardware and software, graphics has come a full circle and, more and more people are teaching and learning, communicating and sharing their ideas through the medium of graphics. By graphics, we mean any sketch, drawing, special artwork or other material that pictorially depict an object or a process or otherwise conveys information, as a supplement to or instead of written descriptions, and the utilisation of computers to accomplish such tasks leads to a new discipline of computer graphics. Traditionally, graphics has referred to engineering drawings of buildings, bridges, machine parts etc. and scientific drawings such as x-y curves, network and process flowcharts. In recent decades, graphics has ventured into industrial design, advertising and other artistic endeavours. During the last few years, even newspapers and periodicals aimed at the common man have begun to utilise graphics to present quantitative news such as selection results and production statistics. Computer graphics can do all this and more. In fact, the power and easy availability of computer graphics have increased the use of pictures to replace and augment words to describe, educate, or inform a wide variety of audiences, on a wide variety of subjects.
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